
Expertly Managed Clinical Data & IT Services You Can Trust

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About NovusScientia

Let's Make Better World With Technology

NovusScientia is specialised in life sciences professional services. We are a specialised in  Data Management, Biostatistics, Statistical Programming, and Regulatory Data Standards & Submissions that offers clinical data analytics solutions and functional outsourcing services to the life sciences sector.

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man with computer data analyising

What We Do

Clinical Data Services


Information Technology Solutions


Clinical Data Services

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Clinical Data Management

The process of collecting and managing research data in compliance with regulatory criteria.

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biostatistics is an essential component of any investigational drug or device development programme

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Statistical Programming

It help clients understand the impact that a test product has on various aspects of safety, efficacy, and other areas

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CDISC services

CDISC is an international organization that does not seek to make a profit from its activities

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PK/PD analysis services

The study of how different medications react inside the body of a living patient is referred to as clinical pharmacology.

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Clinical IT Services

The application of specialist technological tools is frequently necessary in the course of medical and healthcare procedures

Information Technology Solutions

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Data Visualization and Analytics

Our expertise provide customer-inspired digital solutions by bringing together data, systems, and people

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Artificial Intelligence

NovusScientia integrates the applications of data science with exceptional designs, software engineering, and architecture

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Data Science & Analysis

The usage of typical reporting systems is insufficient to fully capitalise on the massive data resources that are available

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Application Development

NovusScientia offers comprehensive solutions for the administration of projects to businesses of varied sizes.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

We provide a comprehensive selection of cloud strategy services, which are for the purpose of assisting your company.

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We offer both integrated and standalone testing services to our clients, who range from large organizations to small businesses.

IT Consulting

IT Consulting

An analysis of the current problems and the requirement for efficient future plans provides the organisations with the motivation to seek out a change in management and training

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IT Training

Students can learn about software testing and development in QA Automation, which will enable them to create full-stack test tools or automation frameworks.

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Data Engineering

Today's businesses generate a huge amount of data, which must be analysed, simplified, and transformed into useful business knowledge.

DevOps Services

DevOps Services

Modern software development is not complete without NovusScientia's DevOps consulting services. Our DevOps engineers will introduce DevOps practices into your business while utilizing cutting-edge equipment that is created to perform with our frameworks.

Why Choose NovusScientia

See the difference professional services can do for you!


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